Dherma 100
Foldable and adjustable blinds
Adjustable foldable, ‘U’-shaped slats, 97mm high and 24mm thick, edged with a darkening weatherstrip, self-supporting, decorated and protected with heat-strengthened paints in a continual process.
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Slats orient and can also go up and down, until achieving a total closure.
In winter the heat of the sun enters the interior, maintaining the intimacy; by arranging the slat in its maximum orientation
The desired slant of the slats can be chosen up to a maximum of 115 degrees.
At night the cold is avoided, obtaining an efficient insulation with the closed shutter.

Metal·lic Slat

Aplicación Obra y medidas replegamiento

System of adjustable foldable blinds installed as a Application in a traditional construction system ready to hide the lintel, whether the slats are folded or not. Available with support guides and lintel support to ensure it works perfectly.
Operated by oscillating rod or motor.
Aplicación Tapa Frontal y medidas replegamiento

System of adjustable and foldable blinds installed as a Front Cover Application in gaps in facades, with a frontal aluminium cover to hide the lintel whether the slats are folded or not. Available with support guides and lintel support to ensure it works perfectly.
Operated by oscillating rod or motor.
Aplicación Tapa Doble y medidas replegamiento

System of adjustable and foldable blinds installed as a Double Cover Application in gaps in façades, made with a double layer of aluminium to hide the lintel whether the slats are folded or not. Available with support guides and lintel support to ensure it works perfectly.
Operated by oscillating rod or motor.
Aplicación Túnel y medidas replegamiento

System of adjustable and foldable blinds installed as a Tunnel Application in a construction system with prefabricated tunnel boxes, to hide the lintel whether the slats are folded or not. Available with support guides and lintel support to ensure it works perfectly in the prefabricated space.
Operated by oscillating rod or motor.

Estas guías son aplicables en las aplicaciones: OBRA, TAPA FRONTAL, TAPA DOBLE Y TÚNEL.


How to maintain our products:

For a good maintenance of our products, please download the maintenance instructions, which you can find on the right sidebar.