Bikurim School
Bikurim School (Ironi A) is a primary school designed by Tsionov Vitkon Architechts.
The project, located in Tel-Aviv, has 24 classrooms, 3 kindergartens and a sports hall.
Its design ensures adequate separation for each function in both space and time, while at the same time allowing for an extension and optimal use of the schoolyard space.
The courtyards create sheltered indoor and outdoor classrooms that allow for flexibility in the various uses. A school design, which combines regular and special education children in the same classroom.
The structure was designed with prefabricated architectural fair-faced concrete elements and other industrialised elements including Panel M. EX 62x25 Series louvres by Gradhermetic, consisting of fixed expanded mesh panels with rhomboidal perforation.
Products used Gradhermetic
M EX 62
Gradpanel Serie Expanded Mesh lattices