Phalplac Serie Bandejas Perfilería Oculta
The Series Trays is a group of metallic false ceilings that are square or rectangular aluminium or galvanized steel trays installed on conventional visible profiling. The trays are easily detached and registered, ideal for false ceilings with many facilities. Possibility of perforated trays.
Projects in which this product has been installed
Tecnical descriptionExpand all
Ceiling placement in linear or modular system:

Modular Design
Fire Reaction:
Fire Reaction:
Capacity Support:
Strip Profile:

Type of profiles:


Borehole Type:

Acoustic absorption property:
Absorption with a Solid Panel of Mineral Glass Wool: Possibility of increasing the level of a false ceiling’s acoustic absorption with a solid panel of mineral glass wool, or mineral stone wool, with a film or acoustic cover on one of the panel’s faces.
Veil acoustic absorption: Possibility of increasing the level of a false ceiling’s acoustic absorption with a film or a heat-sealed acoustic cover on the inside of the trays or perforated slats. They avoid water condensation by having few thermo-isolating properties, and they ensure continual air circulation.
Acoustic absorption 1.5 (α):
Acoustic absorption 2.5 (α):
Acoustic absorption 2.5 (α):
Acoustic absorption 3.0 (α):
Acoustic absorption 1.5 (α):

Finishing Table:

How to maintain our products:

For a good maintenance of our products, please download the maintenance instructions, which you can find on the right sidebar.